Favacado Sorbet
1-2 avacados
1 cup of frozen fruit ( kids seems to like peach or peach mixed with berries)
a splash of coconut milk (any non-dairy milk will do)
a packet of stevia or sweetener of choice
Blend in Vitamix using tamper to push contents into the blade. Eat right away. Not only are the kids getting the healthy fats from the avacado but an antioxident boot from the fruit....win/win.
Organic peaches were on sale last week at the store for $1.99/lb. I knew we couldnt eat them all before they went bad, so I thought I would try to make a compote. Since I have made it we have had it on yogurt, pancakes, with granola and coconut cream, on ice cream, on toast, made a crumble out of it....I cannot believe how many times we have pulled it out. It is SO versatile. Last night I took my butt back to the store to buy some more peaches and now we have peach/berry compote in the freezer for in the middle of winter when we want to remember what summer tasted like:)
Fruit Compote
4 large peaches diced or chopped depending how chunky you like your compote
a handful of frozen fruit. I used blackberries
a sprinkle of date sugar or any other sugar. I used date sugar cause it is so low on the glycemic index
Put all ingrediants in a pot with a splash of water on the stove. Cook them on medium heat until the fruit gets soft. You can turn down the heat to low if it seems like it is sticking. Once the fruit is soft and it all kinda melds (is that even a word?) together, take off heat and put in canning jars. You can put it in your fridge to cool or freeze it for another time. No need to seal the canning jars since its going in the freezer and not on a shelf. One last note, you can use any fruit for this recipe. I just like to use what is on sale at the time.
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